London Global Mining Investment Conference 2010
Outlook for uranium mining costs
Ian Hiscock - CRU Strategies
Outlook for uranium mining costs from Objective Capital Conferences

About Ian Hiscock

Whilst at CRU, Ian has been involved in IPO support, commercial due diligence assignments as well as projects on government policy. Working across different business units, he has contributed to, and been responsible for a number of single-client assignments, regular publications and technical models, across a range of commodities, including uranium, sulphur and sulphuric acid, cobalt, iron ore and copper. After working on a large project on uranium mining royalties in 2008, Ian has contributed to CRU's regular work on uranium, and recently became project manager for CRU's annual uranium publications – the Mining Cost Service and Market Outlook.

Ian holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Essex, in the United Kingdom.