Building the next gold giant
Richard Poulden - Executive Chairman, Wishbone Gold

About Richard Poulden

Until January 2012, Richard was the Chairman and CEO of AIM quoted Sirius Minerals Plc, which he transformed into a substantial potash company following a series of acquisitions in Australia, the USA and the UK. Richard qualified as a barrister in 1976 after which he moved into merchant banking where he worked for Samuel Montagu & Co Limited. Following an MBA at the London Business School and an exchange programme with Harvard, Richard joined the international management consultancy firm, Arthur D. Little, where he worked in the European strategy practice. During his career, Richard has founded or co-founded companies in healthcare, retail, internet based technology and natural resources, executing growth strategies by acquisition. Richard co founded The Financial Industries Group, has been Executive Chairman of JMI Seed Capital and served in the UK Leadership Team of Electronic Data Systems (EDS). Richard is currently CEO of PCG Entertainment Plc and a non-executive director of MoneySwap Plc.