Critical metals in strategic energy technology
Adrian Chapman - Oakdene Hollins

About Adrian Chapman

Adrian Chapman is a consultant at Oakdene Hollins, a company specialising in environmental research and consultancy. Since joining Oakdene Hollins, Adrian has worked in several key areas of sustainable innovation including materials and metals security, sustainable technology development, remanufacturing and lifecycle assessments, both for public and private clients. He has led several projects in the materials security field, including a study on recycling and recovery of critical materials for the EU LIFE+ project and an expert review of studies addressing issues on critical metals and minerals. He has also worked on a related project on rare earth elements for the UK Department for Transport and on an ongoing project on by-product metals for International Lead and Zinc, Copper and Nickel Study Groups. Adrian was a co-author of the recently released EU study assessing bottleneck materials for the large scale implementation of sustainable energy technologies.